Sunday, April 14, 2013

Discovery Museum and Tuesday Roots

Happy Tuesday Roots everyone I've been very occupied with birthday event and my foot theropy. Here are a few pictures we took at a birthday party in the Discovery Museum. It had lots of activities for the young kids from playing instruments, recycled crafts, and building materials, that reminded me of blocks and legos. Fun little hidden areas that are awesome short trail for walking and small little gardens. 

They even had this branches that was twisted together that form a small little "tree" house. I tried walking thru but my O got in and out so fast I kind of lost sight of her for a minute. 
I took some coconut oil to protect her and I from the sun rays but if you get a little flushed there are other indoor activities that will keep your little one busy. Which brings me to my next tip make sure to hydrate and have a sun hat on hand. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Organic "Grill-cheese sandwich Day" with Family, food, and Fridays # 7

So today is Grill-cheese Sandwich Day! What better way to spend this Friday. Unless it's Saturday, if you live in NZ:) (I wonder if there is a pizza Day or ice cream Day? Hmmm! Hehehe!)

Well, besides that I've been trying out some organic spring mix which I got from Costco. Been using it in our grill-cheese beef sandwich & raw carrots. O & I like it better that way. Beef seasoned with taco seasoning is delicious. I mean I couldn't eat red meat, just doesn't settle w/me, but I made some with ground turkey. YUM! You need to try it! Don't forget to top it off with organic berry smoothie drink ;)

Okay, In or out of weather... just make the day a day to SMILE! Some pictures of our day out and O's recycled hair bow.
Blessed Friday everyone!