Friday, April 12, 2013

Organic "Grill-cheese sandwich Day" with Family, food, and Fridays # 7

So today is Grill-cheese Sandwich Day! What better way to spend this Friday. Unless it's Saturday, if you live in NZ:) (I wonder if there is a pizza Day or ice cream Day? Hmmm! Hehehe!)

Well, besides that I've been trying out some organic spring mix which I got from Costco. Been using it in our grill-cheese beef sandwich & raw carrots. O & I like it better that way. Beef seasoned with taco seasoning is delicious. I mean I couldn't eat red meat, just doesn't settle w/me, but I made some with ground turkey. YUM! You need to try it! Don't forget to top it off with organic berry smoothie drink ;)

Okay, In or out of weather... just make the day a day to SMILE! Some pictures of our day out and O's recycled hair bow.
Blessed Friday everyone!

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